Calidris Ecological Services Ltd.

wildlife ecology restoration

Reclamation and Closure Planning at the Cache Creek Landfill
Calidris is supporting Wastech Environmental Services in its reclamation of the Cache Creek Landfill. The project utilizes a long term vegetation monitoring program to quantitatively assess reclamation efforts and track the trajectory of vegetation on the landfill slope towards a self-sustaining community of suitable species.
Communications Support for Interfor's Coastal Woodlands Division
Preparing grant applications on behalf of First Nations partners for a variety of projects including land use planning, stream restoration, and community economic development initiatives.
Biological Support for TerraWest Environmental
Providing, as needed, biological services to TerraWest Environmental including pre-clearing bird nesting surveys, aquatic habitat assessment, and advice into other biological components of projects.
Pacific Trail Travers in Pacific Rim National Park Reserve
Provided Environmental Assessment support to a number of contractors working on this project including preparation of the wildlife chapter to the Detailed Impact Assessment (DIA) submitted to Public Works Canada, preparation of a comprehensive Environmental Management Plan for the clearing contract and assistance to Current Environmental Ltd. with pre-clearing surveys, trail micro-routing and meeting other commitments in the DIA.

Adviser to Mountainaire Avian Rescue Society Interpretive Program
Providing support and advice to the planning and implementation of a wildlife interpretive program at the new MARS facility in Merville, BC.